“Finnish companies need more ambition, speed, partnering and commitment to build breakthroughs in international markets”

Trailmaker was happy to take part in the Lexia event held recently. Representing Trailmaker at the event was our Managing Partner Heikki Manninen. He joined around table discussion together with Elisa CEO Topi Manner, Sitra Director of International Programmes Kristo Lehtonen and Ioxio CEO Pirkka Frosti. The panel was moderated by Member of Parliament Ville Skinnari

The round table topic was: How do we create new business and competitiveness to Finnish companies? Megatrends such as sustainability and more widely ESG are setting tighter operating rules for all companies. Could this be turned into an opportunity? 

It was stated that the ESG regulation and requirements on companies is tightening rapidly.  As an example, in the very near future companies must collect, store and distribute critical data on all their products and services. The window of opportunity to become a frontrunner in ESG data management is open right now. 

“We all agreed that Finland has good capabilities in digitalization, giving us an opportunity to build a leading position in this market. What we need is better team play. Finnish companies tend to work in silos, which implicitly makes our efforts too weak to win in a bigger game. We need more ambition, speed, partnering and commitment to build breakthroughs in international markets”, says Heikki Manninen. 

Thank you Lexia Erika Leinonen, Saara Ryhtä & team for organizing!
